On the bus... real??

#digital #sketch #iszac

Iszac (left top) in the air, his right hand on his hip. > Theo wake up! You fucked up big time Next panel – Theo (right bottom) lying on the ground, eyes half-open. > iszac

first time i've ever represented me irl in a drawing...

#aetherglow #digital #trystyle #iszac #theo

Daydreamer, dream your heart away / Daydreamer, let your mind escape / Stay, dreamer, in your world for me / Daydreamer, dream your heart away -- Iszac is floating in the aether with his arms out, with lightning the colour of his blue aura surrounding him. A wide, colourful beam of light shoots out from behind the top of his head out to surround the top of the viewport.

Dreamer – Throttle

Once again, I thought the official artstyle would suit this piece well.

#aetherglow #digital #trystyle #iszac #fanart

I was in a huuuge 2D art rut. Today I decide to start trying to draw again.

This happened.

Edit: Only moments after posting this did I realize I forgot the name badge and terminal. Horrific

#aetherglow #digital #iszac

More Ætherglow stuff, in the actual style! It's Iszac!

#aetherglow #digital #trystyle #iszac

I've been getting into Ætherglow recently, so I made this, inspired by the descriptions of the Æther space within the fic. Check it out sometime!

#aetherglow #digital #fanart

What the hell happened to this place?

#digital #blender3d #contest