{ “id”: “theox24”, “name”: “Theo”, “picture”: “kitty-screech”, “gender”: “Non-binary”, “pronunciation”: “the-oh”, “pronouns”: “they/them”, “spec”: “3-7644qy”, “species”: “Catboy or human (stylistic)”, “age”: 17, “height”: 70, “relationships”: [], “description”: [ “kitty >w<” ] }

{ “id”: “ralphe”, “name”: “Ralphe”, “picture”: “ralphe-somnit”, “gender”: “Female”, “pronunciation”: “ralf”, “pronouns”: “she/boom”, “spec”: “3-9xnfuz”, “species”: “Troll”, “age”: 18, “height”: 74, “relationships”: [], “description”: [ “Ralphe is quite the girl. She loves explosions, other girls, firecrackers, and pissing people off.”, “Also, danger. Being in direct danger often gives her giant adrenaline hits, although it can almost definitely be detrimental. She once lost an eye to an insane purpleblood stabbing her. If you asked her though, she would say that time was one of her best moments, because she kicked that clown motherfucker to the ground, pulled the knife right out of her eye, and threw it right back at him. You probably wouldn't believe her, but then she'd ask you how you're talking to her if you don't think she survived.”, “Then, she lost a huge chunk of horn and a little bit of her arm to a uncontrolled blast, but thankfully she didn't lose her other eye.” ] }

{ “id”: “tesset”, “name”: “Tesset”, “picture”: “tesset-fuema”, “gender”: “Male”, “pronunciation”: “Tes-set”, “pronouns”: “he/they”, “species”: “Tindulite”, “age”: 16, “height”: 70, “relationships”: [] }

{ “id”: “theofur”, “name”: “Theo”, “picture”: “silly-silly”, “gender”: “Male-ish”, “pronunciation”: “the-oh”, “pronouns”: “they/them”, “spec”: “3-4xzkaq”, “species”: “Humanoid (non-human)”, “age”: 16, “height”: 64, “relationships”: [], “description”: [ “Theo is a very strange creature. The furriest iteration of any mascot. They are quite playful and silly, and don't really display any gender-identifying traits outwardly.”, “Their green/orange bifurcation is a result of... well, style, really! They're a shapeshifter of some sorts, being able to modify any part of their humanoid form. Yet, they can only stay humanoid.”, “They can change their height to any size, from a tiny 5'0\” to a staggering 6'2\“.”, “An endlessly shapeshifting mascot for an endlessly shapeshifting suite... perfect.” ] }

{ “id”: “lynix”, “name”: “Lynix”, “picture”: “plasmanine”, “gender”: “Male-presenting”, “pronunciation”: “lie-nix”, “pronouns”: “they/he/it”, “species”: “Robotic”, “age”: 1, “height”: 67, “relationships”: [] }

{ “id”: “thea”, “name”: “Thea”, “picture”: “girltype”, “gender”: “Transfem”, “pronunciation”: “the-uh”, “pronouns”: “she/they”, “spec”: “3-7lenpn”, “species”: “Human”, “age”: 16, “height”: 69, “relationships”: [] }

{ “id”: “iszac”, “name”: “Iszac Æther-Celeste”, “picture”: “trans-ient”, “gender”: “Genderfluid”, “pronunciation”: “aye-sic ee-ther-cel-lest”, “pronouns”: “he/they/she”, “species”: “Solacite”, “age”: 16, “height”: 70, “relationships”: [] }

{ “id”: “blend1020”, “name”: “BLEND-1020”, “picture”: “bus-stop”, “gender”: “Male-presenting”, “pronunciation”: “blend ten-twenty”, “pronouns”: “he/it”, “species”: “Robotic”, “age”: 3, “height”: 70, “relationships”: [] }

{ “id”: “rocco”, “name”: “Rocco”, “picture”: “trans-rocco”, “gender”: “Transmasc”, “pronunciation”: “rock-o”, “pronouns”: “he/they”, “species”: “Human”, “age”: 16, “height”: 62, “relationships”: [] }